Friday 9 October 2015

Winning 3 way scrambles, 200th and C licence :-)

Wow, definitely got the mojo back :-)  

Ended up on a 3-way team with Graham and Andrew and we all had similar fall rates.  Graham was the 'expert', I was the 'intermediate' and Andrew was the 'relative newbie', lol.  And we flew incredibly well together. We funnelled one exit through having the wrong grips (oops!) and I had a funky exit when we were unlinked but all in the door together, but we still managed 49 points over the 4 rounds and topped the table :-) 

I finished the scrambles on 199 jumps, so most people were more than happy to stay on for another lift to do my 200th with me.  With a couple of substitutions for people who had to leave, we ended up with a 15 way attempt.  Blan suggested a proper formation instead of a speed star, so we ended up with a 5-way base and attempted 2-way loops.  Was difficult to tell without external camera but I think we ended up with 12 or 13 people in the formation and Graham and Justin got some great inside footage.  A couple of the guys did some editing afterward so I have some great video of both the scrambles and my C-licence qualification jump :-) 

3-way Scrambles video
 200th jump video

We attempted the FS progression day but the spell of decent weather finally gave up on us and after a few hours of dirt-diving and general bored-skydiver shenanigans, we called it and went to the pub for lunch.  
In the meantime, I tried on another rig that was for sale but it was still too long in the body for me, plus it had a 150 in it and would only take a Pulse 170 and perhaps one or two other less well-known low-pack volume canopies.  I've had enough of trying to cram canopies into D-bags that are too small so I'll investigate what Gary has and hold out for a proper rig that will comfortably take a 170.  

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