Monday 26 October 2015


So the new Aeronauts team of Jeff Chandler, Rod Stone, Jonathan Smith and me finally got together for the first time and had a tunnel session.  
We had half agreed on who would fly which slot beforehand but that got changed around on the day, and it may change again, lol.  But for now, I am flying Point which means I have to try and remember to stay out of the middle of the tunnel !! (too used to being IC or OC, lol).  

We were pretty rubbish to start with, but improved a little over the first session and were starting to get it sorted in the second round, then it all went a bit pear-shaped again by the end.  I may end up nabbing some of those solo flights back from free-flying and use them on some one-to-one FS coaching instead!  I am not bad at flying my slot, but I am not slick either and I do have a tendency to move about rather than staying in one place.  Will see how the next session in November goes.  The current plan is to buy an hour of tunnel time each at the AGM in January so we will have 4 hours of tunnel for training, then probably around 100 jumps together, plus competitions every month from May to August, including the French POPS meet in Cahors, a couple of the UKSLs, the World POPS meet in Germany and the UK Nationals.  

Along with the training for Speed 8 and the Dynamic 6 sessions, and being an FS coach for LPS, it's going to be a busy year!!

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