Monday 2 September 2013

AFF level 4: Sat 31 Aug 2013

So an hour later, I’m back in the plane having had yet another briefing with more new things to remember.  Just Fletch this time, and I have a different brief to Tegan’s.  Apparently this is the point at which instructors can start to tailor the levels slightly to address areas for improvement for particular students.  Since I have always been stable on exit but have hesitated at the door, Fletch will hold onto me with the normal exit I have been doing, then will let go once I am stable.  For the first time, I am to focus properly on a heading, rather than just a vague ‘horizon’ and try to stick with it.  Then we will try some 90 degree turns in each direction.  As ever, the key priority is to remain altitude aware and pull on time.  Ok. Only 1 instructor.  They believe I can do this, they trust me so I need to have the same confidence in myself. Deep breaths.  Oh heck, there goes that door monster again.  What insane person decided that opening the door of an aircraft flying 2.5 miles above the ground was a good idea???

Out pop all the other jumpers, including Tegan who looks very confident as she just jumps out, without any hesitation.  Whaaat?  My turn again? Why am I doing this?  *Are you ready to skydive?* Yes (actually, that’s a no, but it’s too late now.  Just get out of that wretched door and remember why you like this!!). To the door….

Check-out – OK. Out – in – out – errr, wobble, ok GO! Hard arch and we’re off.  Oh yes, this is it, I’m stable sideways on and can see the horizon turning round to meet me.  Am I level? Yep. Ok, check altitude, no need for practice touches this time, let’s try a turn.  Hmmm, not a lot happening.  Try a bit harder?  Nope, this doesn’t feel quite right.  Suddenly Fletch pushes down hard on my left shoulder and round we go! Oh! Is that what it feels like? Ok, check altitude and let’s try again.  To the right.  Bit of a wobble but got round a bit.  And back again? Sort of.  Out of time, under canopy, that was all a bit strange. 

Fletch talked me down to a beautiful stand-up landing right in the middle of the landing area.  Hooray.  Only the second time I’ve landed in the actual landing field and I’m on my feet. Happy bunny

Debrief time and I’m waiting to hear what went wrong with my steering. Obviously I’m going to have to retake the level but at least it’s one of the less expensive ones. Wait, what did you say? Level 5 next?  But I only did little turns and you had to push my arm down and we ran out of time before I could do it properly.

*What’s the number one priority?* Pull. *Correct.  And what was the objective of this level?* To do some turns.  *Well, yes, but also to fly stable unaided on a heading, correct any wobbles, and THEN attempt some turns. And you did all of that, on top of a perfectly stable exit*.  Does anyone else get the feeling I am somewhat hard on myself when attempting to learn something brand new…???

On to level 5 then…..

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