Monday 2 September 2013

AFF level 3: Sat 31 Aug 2013

Still buzzing from level 2, had to run and scoot to pay for the next jump so I could manifest a couple of loads later (£350 for level 1, £210 each for levels 2 and 3, then will be £155 per level for 4-7).

Quick brief for level 3 and responsibility slowly starts to transfer to me.  Previously I’ve been told that if I find myself without any instructors, I need to pull.  Now, so long as I am stable and aware of my altitude, I don’t need to pull until I get to my routine at 6000’ i.e. lock-on, 5:5, reach – locate – throw.  So the idea is both instructors will try to let go of me at the same time to see if I can maintain stability!

Very excited this time though still a bit apprehensive.  What if I get desperately unstable in the air?  I lost it a couple of times in the wind tunnel and had to be caught by the tunnel rat or by Tarn, and that was in a relatively confined space.  I’ve got the whole sky to tumble around in now!  Hang on a minute, these are very experienced instructors, they know what they’re doing, they can grab me and stabilise me and if they can’t, I pull.  Ok. Deep breath.  I can do this. 

Calm again on the flight, though the door monster is most definitely the point at which the door is opened and all the cold air rushes in.  Having had the mini-panic attack for level 2, I now know what to expect and don’t give myself too much time to think.  Out – in – out – hard arch and off we go again.  Circle of awareness – practice touch – heading, altitude, position, breathe. Oops, bit of a wobble, easily remedied with a movement of my arm.  Uh-oh, what’s happening?  I’m wobbling all over the place.  Trying to balance myself with my arms so I don’t turn one way or the other.  What on earth has gone wrong?  I’m still keeping my chin up but can see an instructor on either side.  I feel Paul tighten his grip very firmly on my right side after a particular wobble and I’m very disappointed.  Another heading, altitude, position check and it’s time to pull.  I’m under canopy feeling very deflated, having failed to have one instructor let go, never mind both :-(  At no point did I see Fletch attempt to come around to the front of me and I am very confused.  Guess I’ll have to wait for the debrief to find out what went wrong – for once, I’m not enjoying my descent under canopy.  Paul talks me down, I pull a second or two early and don’t manage to stay on my feet.  Somewhat disconsolate, I scramble after my canopy (when do I get to move to something a bit smaller than 280???), bundle it up, and make my way back to the bus. 
Paul is waiting for me with a huge smile – how was that?  Not great, you didn’t let go.  I was wobbling all over the place and I don’t know what went wrong.  *Yes we did! For several seconds! That’s why you wobbled.  Your corrections were great :-)*  Huh? What? You let go?? I never knew that!

*Yep, level 4 next* So I haven’t failed then? *No, of course not, you’re stable in the air, you can pull, you remember all of the instructions, we didn’t even need to tell you to arch this time. You’re down to one instructor now*. 
Yippee, I passed.  Oh wait, hang on a minute, wasn’t level 4 the solo dive exit…….?

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