Thursday 20 August 2015

My first medal!

Somewhat unexpected but a delightful surprise!  We came second and so I had my first experience of standing on a skydiving podium :-)  

Turns out our newest exit works ok, though I don't really think it will be quick enough for the Nationals.  I have to float back up a long way to meet the second person out and although that isn't slowing down the build of the overall formation, I think it may be more of an issue if we get everyone else out more quickly than we have been doing.

Jeff Chandler was kind enough to give me and one of the other members of our team some coaching on exits the following day (aided by a couple more members) and we improved our formation build massively, with 4 of us getting together on the hill.  If we can manage that in our next competition, that would be awesome :-) 

The 4-way isn't happening now, they've found someone more experienced than me which is fair enough.  I was offered a place on a scratch team but having never met any of them, let alone jumped with them, I'm not keen on spending several hundred pounds on what could end up as a series of zoo dives!  It's a long way to travel, there's an entry fee as well as 8 rounds, plus camera flyer fees.  Add in training jumps the day before, food, accommodation and beer and we're getting into figures that would be better spent on a few days jumping in Spain or Portugal, lol.  

So it's back to the original plan for this weekend of doing two days of big way training, hopefully with more multi-plane loads, though the weather forecast is not looking great.  Saturday might work, Sunday is currently looking like a washout.  We shall see - last weekend's "cloudy all day" ended up with me having a sunburnt peeling nose and several jumps under blue skies :-)

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