Friday 14 August 2015

More FS training and slowly increasing jump numbers

So very slowly and steadily, my jump numbers have been increasing.  I was hoping to get to my 100th jump on the multi-plane lifts but weather holds meant I still had 3 jumps to go for the elusive milestone.  A series of bad weather fronts one after another meant that mid-week jumping was also not possible, so it came down to an overcast day at a very small dz to try and manage 3 jumps.  Initially I had hoped to do a wingsuit rodeo for the actual 100th, but my 'bird' decided the weather didn't look great so decided to have a lie-in instead :-(  I was disappointed but other friends stepped in and met me at the dz and for once, the forecast turned out to be wrong.  Manifest was brilliant, squeezing me in on 2-way jumps in spare slots on tandem loads.  There was no chance of doing anything fancy or a biggish formation but I still had 3 great 2-ways to get me to the magic number :-)  And at the end of the day, once all the tandems were completed, we also did a 4 way tracking dive.  So I finished the day on 101 :-)  

As we got towards the end of July, the weather finally decided we could have a hint of summer.  I managed several mid-week jumps in between weather holds and rainy days and keep looking out on the Facebook groups for any flat flyers who can jump outside of weekends.  I went up to Hinton to meet one person and was asked to join an FS1 qualification dive for a fairly new jumper.  It went very well and he passed, which was fabulous. 

Last week was another 4-way FS training day and suddenly I found myself as one of the more experienced members of the teams as several coaches had dropped out.  Our group never managed a stable exit (unless you count launching an E and flipping it, so flying a lovely formation upside down :-D ) and there was lots of chasing each other over the sky to reform, but it was all good stuff and everyone had a great day.  We ended it with an attempt at a 12 way.  I was in the base and finally was part of a stable exit, ha ha.  We had 3 divers who got down to us, forming a 6 way, but the 6th person did a classic 'combat dock' coming in hard and fast, and he took out one of the base members which then exploded the formation, lol.  But everyone had got pretty close, it was just that we ran out of altitude to reform.  Roll on the next one!!

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