Monday 14 October 2013

A licence: Shiny new book

So I guess people could be forgiven for assuming I have given up skydiving.  Indeed, I have been very close to exactly that several times - only sheer bloody mindedness has kept me going to complete my A licence.  And now I finally have it.  My little book with my A licence number and my CH1 sticker, and it is such a bitter-sweet moment.  

I am not sure where my skydiving future will take me.  Certainly nowhere near FS1 just yet, I love having the sky to myself so I can just fly and do what I want.  I definitely don't want the pressure of feeling I have to turn points and not mess up other people's dives on top of all the issues I am having with my landing skills.  

And I have not been near the dropzone since that last consol jump just over 2 weeks ago.  I don't feel called back to it, I'm not desperately missing it, though I still think it's a pretty cool thing to do.  Maybe a couple of weeks break will be a good thing, though it will be at least a month in total before I'm back as I'm away next weekend and have to see my dad the weekend after, and there's no guarantee the weather will be any good for jumping late in October.  Though maybe I'll go up on the Sunday and just hang out, I've met some lovely new people and I don't think I'm ready to give up their friendship just yet :-)  


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