Thursday 29 August 2013

When is it my turn?

So I spent a day in ground school and Rich had a brief refresh, then hired some kit and did a couple of jumps to see how much he remembered after several years absence.  Any thoughts of 'let's just see how it goes before I get back into it' went straight out of the window as soon as I saw his face after his first jump, lol.  He was hooked all over again. 

It was a bit disappointing that I couldn't jump that day but I was exhausted and crashed out in our tent quite early, so it was probably just as well. 

Except that I didn't get to jump the next day either.  Too windy in the morning for students, then it poured with rain all afternoon.  Rich had managed 1 jump but the day was pretty much finished so we went back to bed and slept most of the afternoon away :-)

Similar story the next day - glorious day, bright sunshine, not very windy but just enough to keep students on the ground whilst everyone else jumped :-(  We met some new friends and Rich went off to play whilst I carried on revising my jump routine and practising EP drills.  My instructor had started off by teasing me each time he saw me but by the end of Day 3, all the staff were gutted for me.  Even the other students who had turned up to try and jump had given up and gone home, but Rich was so happy to be jumping again that I couldn't be mean enough to drag him away.  Everyone was convinced that the winds would die down once the sun dropped a bit but it was not to be - roll on next weekend then.......

Update: In the meantime, I decided it might be a good idea to learn how to get stable by myself in free fall so booked some tunnel time with the lovely Tarn Hollis at Airkix Basingstoke to have some coaching

Video here ---> Learning to fly :-) 

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