Thursday 29 August 2013

So what next?

So having established that I wasn't exactly blown away by my tandem skydive, I couldn't decide what to do next.  Rich was fairly keen to get back into jumping but claimed he could take it or leave it.  I was not at all sure that jumping out of a plane by myself would be that great an idea..... hmm, funny that!

And the pain in my ear hadn't gone away when we landed, or even within a couple of hours.  It was still bad enough the following morning that I finally took a painkiller.  I was pretty confident it wasn't to do with pressure as only one ear had been affected, so presumably it was down to the cold air getting inside.  Maybe I could wear ear plugs to prevent it happening again.

So I posted on forums and sought other opinions.  I made contact with other newbies and discussed options and pros and cons of different methods of learning to skydive.  And eventually decided to do my AFF Level 1 jump and take it from there.  I was offered a big discount having already done a tandem, and I would be able to pay for each jump as I did it, rather than having to pay out up front for the whole course. 

And in the meantime, I got the DVDs of my photos and video :-)

Watching the video was something of an eye-opener.  I had no idea that we'd turned a somersault on exiting the plane and my adrenaline levels were a lot higher watching, than they had been actually doing it!  The video also confirmed quite a hard opening of the canopy and the bumpy landing, complete with catchers to deflate our parachute!

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