Saturday 22 November 2014

Wow - what a change! Nov 2014 (yes, another break!)

So BIG difference now! I have my B licence!!! And I have a rig!!! And am well on the way to my FS1 qualification.  Back to being very excited about skydiving, I just need to be able to jump with other people and this will be a whole new activity :-)

So what prompted the change?  Basically, Sibson becoming a lousy place for fun jumpers!  After managing one jump, I was essentially looking at several hours before being manifested again due to the very high volume of tandems. After the trip to Chatteris, I was excited about jumping again, but ended up having another break due to weather and dad being in hospital.

Came back to it at Netheravon with Rich after he qualified as an FS coach.  More difficult to get jumps in due to waiting so long for hire kit to be packed, but did my first 3-way (thanks Donna!) with another recently qualified coach.  It didn't quite go according to plan but we had fun anyway.  Since I am Rich's guinea-pig for coaching, he isn't charging me for his jumps and Donna joined us as she was at a loose end because Matt was wing-suiting.  Did more 2-ways with Rich and started to work through the FS requirements properly and finally managed to move sideways through the air without spinning.  

Another weekend at Nethers, and I got my swoop-to-pin signed off (nailed it!!) on another fun 3-way.  And more critically, I got my spotting signed off and the CCI signed off my B licence application!! So I am finally able to do long-term kit hire.  And now I have a funky black and grey Silhouette 190 in a green and purple Vortex rig and am waiting impatiently for the weather to improve so I can go and jump it :-)  Going to be a lot of pre-seconds on that jump, lol.  My own rig (hired for 6 months), first time on a 190, first collapsible slider, pud instead of a hackey for a pull.....  I've jumped my own pack jobs before but it's been a while since I last packed so will need to practice that again, but have already played with getting the D-bag into the rig and closing it up, then cocking the pilot chute and stowing it.  And I pulled the cutaway and put it all back together again correctly (under Rich's strict supervision :-) ) so that was fine too.  

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