Sunday 26 January 2014

26 Jan - Rubbish weather, looking forward to Seville :-)

To be fair, I haven't tried that hard to jump - it's been cold and frequently wet and windy and I haven't felt inclined to drive for hours to one of the few dropzones that are open in the winter, just on the off-chance I might be able to squeeze in one or two jumps. 

But it's now just over a week until I fly back out to Seville for a few days and hopefully that will make a massive difference.  I'm trying not to set myself any expectations on how many jumps I might manage to jam into 5 days, though a sneaky little voice keeps telling me that 20 would be nice to bring me up to my first 50, lol.  A tall order perhaps, I'll be grateful for some sun and some warmth to start off with :-)

Before I head off, I have the tunnel scrambles at Bedford on 01st Feb which should be fun and hopefully will help me remember what an arch feels like, lol.  It seems like a very long time since I last jumped (8th December!) so I am a little nervous of heading back out to Seville which wasn't the most forgiving of landing areas, to put it mildly.  But at least there won't be mud swamps!

And I have more tunnel time with a bit of 4-way coaching booked for mid Feb so I may slowly get coaxed towards my FS1.  But my main focus is still on my canopy handling so really looking forward to my Canopy Course with Brian Vacher in June.  That seems so far away right now, but I guess that means more time to practice my CH2 and there's also Conrad's demo course in March.  Now that's going to be challenging, lol.  At least it's all hop and pops so even if it's cold, hopefully I won't suffer too much, but I can't really see the weather cooperating too well that early in the season!  I like hop and pops so not too bothered about the exits though I'm not certain about the actual exit I'm supposed to be using.  I've only ever dived or jumped, I've not held onto the plane so that will be new.  Maybe I can get someone to show me some options in Seville.  My main concern is the accuracy of the landings - I'm doing this to learn new stuff, not to have any hope of qualifying, rofl.  And I'll be way low on jump numbers anyway since the minimum is 100.  But at least I may be able to help out on the ground - assuming I go back to Sibson.  Not sure if it's a generic qualification and if so, where it might get recorded.  A separate certificate like a packing certificate?  Might have to have a quick Google of that :-)

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