Thursday 12 December 2013

Sibson Scrambles - Bodyflight Bedford 22 Nov

Really wasn't sure about signing up for this, lol. I've only done 23 jumps, have very little freefall time, definitely nowhere near FS1 standard and now I'm going to be in a tunnel with 3 other people who actually do know what they're doing, attempting to turn points.  This could be hilarious or a complete disaster, ha ha!

And it turned out to be the former :-)  The practice session was crazy - the wind speed was too high for me so whilst the others all hovered neatly near the net, I shot up in the air and had to be caught by the tunnel rat.  And my flying skills were very suspect....flipping over, spinning, bouncing off the walls, oops!!  In the end, the tunnel rat caught me and held me down, then steered me round in each direction so I could get hold of the grips.  Oh dear.... so much for keeping eye contact with Hari then, I was all over the place.

At our debrief, it was quickly decided that I needed to wear a significant amount of lead in order to stay down with everyone else, whilst they needed the wind speed turning up.  The first proper session went a little better, and I occasionally remembered to keep eye contact which meant I didn't go zooming off in the wrong direction quite so frequently, lol.  With the help of the tunnel rat, we did actually turn some points which felt amazing :-)

As the sessions went on, I got a bit better at making my moves and finally managed to turn some points without the tunnel rat or by cheating (by not releasing one grip until I had hold of another one, rofl) and was starting to feel as though I could see the point of four-ways.  It was great fun, mostly because everyone was very relaxed about me making mistakes and not really having a clue what I was doing.  So a big thank you to Hari for his patience, and for Sam and Pam for making my moves easier by basically putting their grips wherever my hands were, lol. 


From Left to Right - Hari, Sam, me (wearing a lot of lead!) and Pam. 


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