Tuesday 26 May 2015

Scrambles and a possible scratch team :-)

So the Scrambles on Saturday was great fun - Becs was our team captain and took the OC slot, Ed was the next most experienced and took Tail.  Since we had a non-FS jumper on the team, he was in Point which left me with IC.  Which worked out pretty well.  I was very happy with the way I flew, considering my lack of experience in the air.  Still loads of room for improvement but generally, I felt pretty comfortable and learned a lot from doing aircraft exits :-)
We launched an H every time which possibly cost us a couple of points, but more likely, ensured we stayed together instead of funnelling the exit, lol.  Overall, we got 4th place and I'm really looking forward to the 6-way scrambles in July.  And will be doing some dynamic 6-way in the tunnel in the meantime....

Still not planning to continue beyond the end of the season, just had another Bank Holiday weekend and only managed to jump on Saturday afternoon.  Sunday was yet another miserable overcast day with the first lift landing with everyone still on board due to a heavy rain shower.  I left just before lunch - they did eventually manage a couple of lifts in the late afternoon but I'm glad I didn't bother hanging around wasting another day.  Monday was a little better but I did more clearing out at dad's house, a tip run, went with Rich to fetch his kit car from London and move it to Kent, then collected Mischief and we went for a pub meal and got furball a little more comfortable with other dogs :-) 

Another 4-way FS team appears to be falling apart with their trip to the first round of UKSL cancelled along with their replacement team training.  Had a chat with a couple of them and they are going to see how their next tunnel session goes, but may well be up for taking a scratch team to Nethers in June so they actually do have some fun!  

I'm also signed up for an all-girlie tunnel session for some fun stuff having pretty much given up on the idea of dragging 3 other people kicking and screaming to the tunnel for some vaguely sensible 4-way training :-/

Finally got my landings sorted again and timed my last landing perfectly, landing lightly on my feet in zero wind :-)  Very happy with that, as my accuracy is also improving.  

Saturday 16 May 2015

Halfway through May and still having crap weather days

For heaven's sake, what on earth is wrong with UK weather these days???  At least 12 days spent hanging around various dropzones and less than 1 jump per day on average to show for it :-/  Weekends are definitely rubbish - if it's not pouring with rain, the winds are gale force.  Two best days so far have been mid-week jumping with 3 jumps at Sibson on a random Wednesday and 4 jumps at Hinton on an FS improvers course.  The rest has been one's and two's and LOTS of wasted time.  So this weekend I made other plans, having got totally fed up of sitting around drinking tea, and Sod's Law decreed that even LPS fun jumpers got 5 jumps in on one day :-(  I need another hobby......