Monday 1 September 2014

Tunnel time and decisions to be made

Managed another jump on Thursday, this time on the Nav 200 and landed it fine.  It's a bit quicker at turns but I still came almost straight down on my final leg so doesn't feel very different to the 240 and 260!  

Actually went up to jump Andy's rig but it turned out to be way too big for me so no point in buying it.  Tried on a couple of rigs that are actually sized for me and there is a massive difference between student hire kit and a rig that fits properly.  Damo thought he might have a rig that would suit me better but so far haven't heard from him, so presumably it's been sold already.  Still need to decide whether I'm going to continue jumping - I could easily quit, it's not that interesting jumping solo and it will take quite a bit of commitment to get my FS1 so I can jump with other people.  Tunnel last night was great fun and I am still improving though not sure it's enough for my qualification.  And Sibson is turning into a tandem factory so it's getting increasingly difficult to jump there.  134 lined up for the weekend after next!!  The reason for that became rather more apparent after seeing a post on the forums asking for applications for several staff positions at Beccles including TI's and a CCI. Not sure what happened but it was obviously pretty drastic!  And since the tandems at Beccles partially fund the fun jumping at Sibson, it's easy to see why more tandems are needed at Sibson whilst Beccles is sorted out.  

Still very ambivalent about continuing, there are plenty of other things I could do with my life, but there is still a niggle that says if I just get my B licence and FS1 and then see how things are, my perspective might be very different.  We shall see....